Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Alhamdullilah, tinggal hitungan jam kita akan memasuki Bulan yang penuh berkah yakni Bulan Ramadhan. Semoga kita semua bisa menjadi Hamba Allah Yang lebih baik lagi. amien. setiap manusia punya salah, begitupula diriku.pada Allah Swt, Pada Ibu, Ayah dan Kakak-kakakq, Pada Sahabat dan Teman temanq..pada orang spesial ku..maafin warnie yach..semoga kita selalu mendapat hidayah, syafaat dan inayah dari Allah Swt.

aq pribadi pun juga berharap bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi, bantu aq untuk mendapat ridho dan kasih sayang mu Selalu, Ya Allah. dan terima kasih banyak atas semua kesempatan kesempatan yang telah Allah berikan padaku. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.

Peachza, 20 Agustus 2009 :D

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posted by Warnie_peach @ 8:05 PM   0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Say Thanks A Lot For God....:D.. about your day friends?!i am fine right now.thanks a lot for God, i feel a lucky girl today.

first, do you know?! my mom litle by litle get well again, sure, i am glad to see her condition.She want to eat again although only bread and milk, she want to smile again and then she can walk to move again although only to bathroom hehhehe but that's sun for me. thank you very much, ya Allah.

second, about my lecture. well, i have got a good IP again, three point sixty three hehehhehe. help me to survive, God. i must be hard life to achieve my future.last night, i had resolved about my KRS...hemmm..finnaly, all of everything could be overcome well..hehhe i take my report of lecture [ KHS ], i write all of SKS which i want, discussed with my lecturer [ need two days for this ], and than met a head of administration to arrange university fees.Alhamdullilah, finally, i went to home with smile and fresh of breathe hehhehe....Thank For Allah :D.

third, on the midnight,i could to watch min hoo's action although frightened hahhaa...Wether, i have could like about him and friends...i am Boys Before Flowers maniac...hihihi. until 00.00 Pm,i wathced.and to be continued tonight.

fourth, i have got two english teacher from other city or countries.they is my penfriends.i feel lucky cause they teach me speaking english. they are native speaker.certainly,have more many experience.i learn from them. everyday, one of them sent mail to me whereas one of else by chating.i make communication with english language.

hemm, i am very interesting to learn foreign language and sure, i am glad to know about them hehhehe...once again, Thank for God above the chance.

fifth, i have got ideas for my novel..ahahha i will try to write again..Help me always,God.

and now..i feel happy heart feel empty but evidently, i do a mistake.
i find a peace of heart .no time to think about bad of matter...that's all only vain.
i believe God have prepared to me all everything.

sometimes, we don't know about lucky life. i always try to realized. God never Sleep, God always near with myself as long as i want to near.i try to understand about life. not seldom life is difficult and hard but beside that, i get many things.something is make me strong, lucky and life.

by peachza, 10 august 2009.

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posted by Warnie_peach @ 11:24 PM   0 comments
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